United Staff UNM Union

An Independent Voice!

Serving the University of New Mexico's Staff Workers for Over Two Decades
FY25 Union Negotiated Salary Increase Up to 8%!
US-UNM Union Works!

About Us-UNM image
About US-UNM
In the late 1990’s, a group of dedicated, brave and visionary UNM employees decided that they wanted to improve the working conditions at UNM for themselves and other workers. They began to organize the employees on the UNM campuses. In 2001, their hard work paid off as they won the election to bring collective bargaining to the university. United Staff of the University of New Mexico, (US-UNM) came into existence that year and has been an advocate for UNM workers ever since.

For over two decades, US-UNM Union has been improving the work conditions of UNM employees by providing services in the areas of contract negotiations, political and legislative action, and employee advocacy. US-UNM Union is looking forward to continuing its role as a tireless champion for the university worker in the future.

Mission Statement
The mission of US-UNM Union is encompassed in these five statements:
  1. To bring US-UNM members together for mutual assistance and cooperation.
  2. To promote the welfare of UNM staff employees.
  3. To obtain and maintain for all staff the salary, benefits, and working conditions commensurate with the duties, dedication, and professionalism expected of us.
  4. To promote staff decision making in the administration of the university.
  5. To encourage cooperation with other labor organizations.

If you have an employment issue or concern at work, then please feel free to contact US-UNM at unitedstaffunm@gmail.com. We will contact you in the evenings after work. Please allow up to three working days for a reply. If you would like to join the union, then please contact us and we will get you started.
News & Events image
US-UNM Union Works  - The FY25 Salary Increases up to 8%!
Highlights of the Negotiations

-Up to 8% Salary Increase Effective 7-1-24; a 3% salary increase across the board.

-US-UNM Union's 2nd Chance to get salary increase of 3% with improved Performance Review in September.

The US-UNM Union has negotiated its wage opener for FY25 with UNM. The union is pleased to announce that the salary increases include a minimum 3% salary increase and departments may provide increases above 3%, but no greater than 8% . The additional compensation can be used to address equity, performance, retention, or salary compression, or to address the impact to employees whose salary increase results in a change in contribution percentage for health benefits. These increases are contingent on sufficient internal funding. Also, US-UNM has its signature second chance option for anyone who did not receive the overall successful rating on their performance reviews. There will be an option to still receive the base raise of 3% if your performance increases by 9/7/24.

The afternoon of 6/3/24, US-UNM Union received the information from HR that was sent to your managers regarding how to implement the above 3% up to 8% increase. Kindly note the deadline for implementing these above 3% up to 8% increases is June 24, 2024 by your management. The salary increases will go into effect on July 1, 2024.

The above 3% up to 8% Salary Increase:
Your management has until 6/24/24 to include the above 3% increase up to 8% increase in their report to HR. We would recommend that you speak with your management about this possible additional 1%-5% increase. There are no forms to fill out because management will be including this additional amount on a spreadsheet provided by the HR consultant.

The 3% Salary Increase Across the Board for Everyone:
A 3% salary increase is automatically provided if you meet the criteria listed below. There is no paperwork to fill out for this increase.

Below is the actual contract language for the FY25 Wage Increases for US-UNM Union.

A. Pay Schedule
1. Bargaining unit employees will not be paid at an hourly rate less than the minimum of their pay grade.
2. The hourly rates in the pay schedule apply to bargaining unit employees.
3. The University Pay Schedule for bargaining unit employees is attached as Appendix B. If the pay schedule is adjusted by Management during the term of this Agreement, the new pay schedule will replace the current pay schedule attached hereto as Appendix B and the Union will be advised prior to the change.
Salary Structure: https://hr.unm.edu/docs/compensation/unm-staff-salary-structure-2024.pdf
4. For FY25, USUNM bargaining unit staff shall receive a three percent (3) % MSU increase effective July 1, 2024.
Increases will be paid out on the check for the July 19, 2023, pay date, if this agreement is signed by May 24, 2024. If an agreement is reached after May 24, 2024, the increase will be paid as soon as possible after the July 1, 2024, pay period following the signature of both parties. Timing of the payment is dependent on the date the Agreement is signed and required processing time. Payments will not be adjusted upwards to make up for a delay in an agreement between the parties. In order for staff to be eligible for the payment, the following criteria must have been met:
a. Employees must have been hired prior to January 1, 2024 and completed their probationary period prior to July 1, 2024.
b. Employees must have received Successful overall ratings for both Job Responsibilities and Goals on a centrally recorded 2023 Performance Evaluation or if the individual was a probationary employee at the time, the employee must have received a Successful overall rating on a centrally recorded Probationary Performance Evaluation by March 31, 2024.
1. Employees who have not received a 2023 performance evaluation by management by March 31, 2024, will not be prohibited from receiving the FY2025 MSU increase.

2. Non-probationary employees who have received a "Not Successful" rating listed on either of the overall categories for job responsibilities or goals may have the opportunity to raise their overall ratings. Any employee whose ratings have improved by September 7, 2024, will be provided with an updated performance evaluation, and must be centrally recorded by September 20, 2024. If so, the increase will be processed during the payroll period beginning October 05, 2024.

Increases above 3%.
For FY25, departments may provide increases above 3%, but no greater than 8% may be given on a limited basis at the department’s discretion to address equity, performance, retention, or salary compression, or to address the impact to employees whose salary increase results in a change in contribution percentage for health benefits. These increases are contingent on sufficient internal funding.
Departments must use consistent criteria for determining additional increases and maintain internal documentation supporting their increase decisions. Examples of criteria to determine increases above 3% may include:
The extent an employee’s education and job-related experience exceed the minimum requirements for their position.
The extent an employee’s salary level trails the market (salaries below the midpoint of the grade).
Exceptional performance on goals or job responsibilities as documented in an employee’s performance evaluation.
Salary, compression, and internal equity recommendations based on HR’s Salary Placement and Equity Tool (SPET).

Thank you,
US-UNM Board

NEW US-UNM Union Contract from 7/1/23 - 6/30/26

US-UNM Union Completes a Successful 2023 Contract Negotiations for FY24

Highlights of the Negotiations

-Up to 9% Salary Increase Effective 7-1-23; a 6% salary increase across the board.

-US-UNM Union's 2nd Chance to get salary increase of 6% with improved Performance Review in September.

-Workload Standards - Restoring sane workloads to positions by giving interim appointments salary increases that are both long term and temporary. In-range salary  adjustments are typically associated with the assumption of additional responsibilities due to a recently vacated position but may also be considered in cases of expanded scope of operational or business needs within a department.

The US-UNM membership has ratified the 2023 contract on 6/29/23.

Source NM's Story on UNM Labor Coalition Living Wage Rally
UNM unions call on Board of Regents to raise salaries for workers in $4.07 billion budget


US-UNM & the UNM Labor Coalition Living Wage Rally - 5/10/23 at Noon 
Thousands of UNM employees, including hospital workers, faculty, graduate workers, facilities workers, and staff, struggle to make ends meet every day living on wages that often fall below the federal poverty line. The UNM Regents need to ensure that staff and educators (who are bringing up the next generation of New Mexicans, producing research advancements, and ensuring our university's day-to-day functions) are paid a dignified wage!

Join us on Wednesday, May 10th from 12:00-1:00 PM, outside the north entrance of the Student Union Building on the UNM Main Campus to call on the UNM Regents to budget for living wages and a real raise for all UNM workers!

US-UNM Union's 2023 Legislative Priorities and Bill Outcomes  
Overall, we believe this 2023 Legislative Session was successful in meeting US-UNM Union’s main legislative priorities with real political change via law making. We hope these new laws will benefit you, your families and your careers. To see the full list of US-UNM's legislative priorities and bill outcomes for the 2023 Legislative Session, please go to the NM Legislature tab on this website. March 18, 2023.

US-UNM Union Adds Juneteenth Holiday- US-UNM Union adds an additional holiday, Juneteenth, to the current holidays for the unit. Effective 1/19/23.
US-UNM MOA Juneteenth Holiday.

US-UNM Children's Campus Staff and Kids Campus/Taos Branch shall Receive a $3.00/Hour Pay Supplement Increase
United Staff UNM (US-UNM) Union and the University of New Mexico (UNM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MOU between the two parties that the bargaining unit staff at the UNM Children’s Campus and Kids Campus/Taos Branch shall receive a temporary pay supplement of three ($3.00) dollars per hour which is subject to the Terms and Conditions|Acceptance of Funds of the Competitive Pay for Professionals (CPP) Grant. The effective date of the temporary supplemental pay will be November 19, 2022. Congratulations to the US-UNM childcare workers!

In Solidarity
The UNM United Graduate Workers (UGW) Union will be holding a rally on 12/7/22 at Scholes Hall from 12-1 in protest to key areas of contract negotiations with UNM management. Like all UNM Unions, the US-UNM Union stands in solidarity with the UGW Union. If you have a normally scheduled lunch from noon to 1, then please come to the rally. Important: If your normal lunch is NOT from noon to 1, then you must get permission from your management to have lunch at that time before going to the rally.
UGW's Petition:
There are other ways to stand in solidarity with UGW. Below please find a petition signing drive they are having that is printed on their website. "We (UGW) delivered the petition, now signed by over 800 people, to the UNM administration."

Thank You for a Great Mid-Term Election Turnout!
The final 2022 mid-term race ended last night, 12/6/22, in Georgia. We want to thank everyone who let their voices be heard during this midterm election and voted. The turnout in NM was strong! Now this is what democracy looks like.

VOTE in the NM Elections - Early Voting is Now Open (From 10/11/22 - 11/5/22)!
"Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on."
Justice Thurgood Marshall

The US-UNM Union wants to emphasize the importance of casting your vote in the November election and making your viewpoint known. This is our democracy and that means our country is governed by the people. So, let your opinions be known and VOTE!

In Person Early Voting-October 22 - November 5, 2022: Monday - Saturday 10AM - 7PM Most locations, including UNM SUB
NM Secretary of State Website 

Early Voting in New Mexico (Avoid the Lines & Bank your Vote!)
  • Can I vote early (before Election Day) in person?Yes. Early voting and in-person absentee voting are available.
  • When is the first day I can vote early in person?  Tuesday, Oct. 11.
  • When is the last day I can vote early in person?  Saturday, Nov. 5.
  • Is there an ID requirement? If so, what is an acceptable form of ID?  No. ID is not required, except for some first-time voters. 
Election Day Voting in New Mexico
The general election is on Tuesday, Nov. 8.

September US-UNM Union Unity Meetings to Build Membership
9/14/22 US-UNM North Campus Unity Mtg from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM via Zoom
9/28/22 September US-UNM Unity Mtg. from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM via Zoom
Guest Speaker: NM State Representative, Natalie Figueroa, Member of NM House of Representatives Education Committee

2022 Summer of US-UNM Union Unity Meetings to Build Membership
7/21/22 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM via Zoom
7/28/22 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM via Zoom
8/4/22 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM via Zoom
Guest Speakers for the Unity Union Meetings Include:
-NM State Senator Harold Pope, Vice Chair of the NM Senate Education Committee
-NM State Representative, G. Andrés Romero, Chair of NM House of Representatives Education Committee

-NM State Representative, Karen Bash, Vice Chair of House Health and Human Services Committee
Anna Rose and Matt Soliz, Staff Organizers for the UNM United Graduate Workers Union
Doris Williams, US-UNM President and Janice Blevins, US-UNM Vice President of the OMI Unit

In Solidarity
United Grad Workers, (UGW) Union Picketing  Event for Basic Non-Discrimination Protections 
Thursday, July 14th from 8 AM to 9 AM at the corner of University Blvd SE and Basehart SE

Notice from UGW:
UNM is still refusing to agree to basic non-discrimination protections in our UGW union contract and insisting that existing state and federal laws are sufficient protection from harassment and discrimination. We know state and federal laws can change at any time and that UNM ignores the rampant discrimination happening to grad workers NOW regardless of existing laws and policies. The non-discrimination protections we are proposing are standard in higher ed contracts across New Mexico and the country. Our next negotiating sessions begin the morning of July 14th.

We will be picketing from 8-9 am on July 14th at the corner of University Blvd SE and Basehart SE (next to the building where we will be negotiating).

Join us to show UNM's negotiating team we won't settle for a contract that doesn't protect all graduate workers' rights!

US-UNM Union's Three Salary Increases for FY 23 Effective July 1, 2022
Based on the bargaining unit's email requests to have the same salary opportunities that UNM management receives, USUNM union has negotiated three main salary increases for the bargaining unit for FY 23 - the 4% base salary increase (no forms need to be processed nor proof of funding is needed), the $15 minimum wage, and the merit/equity salary increase above the 4% (a form and proof of additional funding are needed).

Below are links to the MOA and a Summary of the Full USUNM Salary Guidelines and Forms to Complete for above 4%:
US-UNM FY23 Salary Increases Guidelines and Forms
Forms for Above 4% Increases Deadline - Monday, May 16, 2022

Copy of FY 23 Salary Increases Signed MOA

Fourth Quarter 3% Increase Beginning April 1, 2022
The UNM Coalition of Labor Unions had a successful legislative session. We made this unit’s voices heard in Santa Fe at the Roundhouse. In response, the legislature passed a bifurcated raise for education employees. One part of the increase is to happen during the 4th quarter for FY 22 and the second part is to happen in July of 2022 after the union negotiates the terms.

In March, the US-UNM union negotiated a salary increase for the bargaining unit. The salary increases afford all qualified employees a 3% increase starting April 1, 2022. A bargaining unit employee must have been hired before January 1, 2022, to be qualified for the raise.

Link to Fourth Quarter FY22  3% Increase MOU

In Solidarity 
United Graduate Workers Union Community Press Conference
Wednesday, January 26th, at 12pm on the UNM campus.

Please RSVP here for details.

DailyLobo Article: Custodial union protests against poverty wages, union-busting
UNM Labor Coalition Protest for UNM Custodial and Grad Workers

Union Demonstration for Graduate Workers and Maintenance & Clerical Workers
This holiday season give your fellow unionists the gift that counts - Solidarity!
Join UNM's graduate workers and maintenance and clerical workers to demand an end to poverty wages and union busting at UNM.
Where: Between SUB and Mesa Vista Hall
When: December 3, 2021 @ 4:30 PM

Please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/h8F5nkGeNwHGMfwZ6

Fiscal Year 2021-22 US-UNM Mass Salary Increase Update & Guidelines
USUNM FY2022 Salary Increases & Guidelines
US-UNM Exclusive 1.5% Second Chance Salary Increase for FY22 - Due 9/24/21
Must have mid-year performance evaluation completed by manager online by 9/24/21. Increase will take place during the 10/9/21 pay period.

Signed MOU Fiscal Year 2021-22 US-UNM Mass Salary Increase Update 
Signed FY22 Salary Increase MOU

2019-2021 Advisement Structure Study Negotiations with US-UNM Union
US-UNM MOU Regarding UNM Advisors Equity - 2021
Signed MOU Regarding Advisors 2021

US-UNM Voluntary Retirement Incentive Option, (VRIO) Program 2020
Signed MOU on VIRO

US-UNM 2020 Salary Increases
Signed FY20 Salary Increase MOU


Joining US-UNM Union just requires filling out the membership card at the link below and sending the signed form to unitedstaffunm@gmail.com.

US-UNM Membership Form​​​

Why is US-UNM Membership Necessary and Important?

Strength of the dues paying membership translates to strength in the collective bargaining and contract negotiations process.

The strength of dues paying members allow the voices of workers to be amplified not only in the workplace but in government, the media, and other venues in an effort to facilitate change.

Dues paying members get to vote on ratifying the final contract.

Dues paying members get to serve in elected offices and committees within unions (grievance committee, negotiations team, etc.).

Union members help improve the working conditions for all workers in the US.

Union members have better pay, retirement, and working conditions than other workers.
Join the union! image
The US-UNM Union has several pertinent documents that help facilitate the collective bargaining process.  Below are links to each of these documents.

The US-UNM Union Collective Bargaining Agreement (Contract) with the University of New Mexico
Labor union contracts are multiyear, bilateral agreements between the labor union and the employer. A labor union contract codifies the terms and conditions of employment for union members, as well as the employer's obligations and responsibilities.
Click to Open US-UNM Contract

US-UNM Union at Work  - Recent Negotiated Agreements for Our Workers!
US-UNM Union Workers Receive Salary Increases Up to 9% for FY24 (Art. 12 Wages)
For FY24, US-UNM employees may receive increases from 6%, and up to 9% provided workers meet negotiated criteria (See Art. 12, Wages in Contract) Effective 7/1/23.
US-UNM OMI Unit Receives Full 9% Salary Increases for FY24 (Art. 12 Wages)
All members of the US-UNM OMI Unit will receive the full 9% salary increase for FY24. Congratulations US-UNM OMI Workers! Effective 7/1/23.
US-UNM MOA Juneteenth Holiday- Add an additional holiday, Juneteenth, to the current holidays. Effective 1/19/23.
US-UNM MOU CPP Grant - Three Dollars/Hour  temporary Increase for Teacher's Aides at the UNM  Children's Campus. Effective 11/19/22.
US-UNM MOA FY23 Increase -Raise from 4% and above for US-UNM Bargaining Unit
US-USNM MOU to Postpone Full Contract Negotiations until CY2023 - Due to COVID-19.
US-USNM Minimum Wage MOA FY23 - Raised to $15.00/Hour.
US-UNM MOA Fourth Quarter FY22 Increase - Increase of 3% for US-UNM Unit.
US-USNM MOU FY22 Increases Salary Increase from 1.5% - 5.0% for US-UNM Unit.
US-UNM MOU regarding Advisors - Raise from 2% and above for Advisors for long standing salary correction negotiated by US-UNM Union with Provost Office.
US-UNM Voluntary Retirement Incentive Option Program 2020 -Workers received a lump sum retirement incentive of 25% of their annual base pay.
US-UNM Full Contract Negotiations Postponed – signed April 8, 2020 - Due to COVID-19.
US-UNM MOU regarding FY20 Increases -Salary Increase from 3.0% - 5.0% for US-UNM Unit.

University of New Mexico Labor Management Relations Resolution 
This document provides rights, responsibilities, and procedures in the employment relationship between employees and the employer.
Click to Open UNM Labor Management Resolution

University of New Mexico Labor Management Relations Board Rules and Regulations
This document outlines the rules and regulations for labor management relations including general provisions, representation proceedings, and prohibited practices proceedings.
Click to Open UNM Labor Board Rules & Regulations

Contract & Agreements image
United Staff-UNM Union Services

There are several services the union offers to its bargaining unit members. Below is a list of some of those services.

1. Contract Negotiations

2. Representation in the Grievance Process

3. Political Action

4. Representation at Labor Board Hearings

If you have a work related issue or circumstance that needs to be addressed, then please send us an email at unitedstaffunm@gmail.com.  Please allow up to 3 working days for a reply.
Union Services image
FAQs image

What is a labor union?
A labor union, or trade union, is an association of fair wage-earners uniting for the purpose of maintaining and improving the conditions of their employment.

Why join a labor union?

America’s 15.5 million union members , working people in all walks of life join together in unions to gain a voice at work. Union members have a say about pay, benefits, working conditions and how their jobs get done -- and having that say gives them a "union advantage."

What is the US-UNM Union Collective Bargaining Agreement/Contract?
This is the legally binding contract between UNM and US-UNM Union that states the negotiated wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment. The US-UNM Agreement supersedes the UNM Policies and Procedures. Part or all of the contract can be negotiated each year depending on the agreed terms. If a new contract is not negotiated or ratified by the expiration date, then, per state law, the existing contract remains binding until a new contract is ratified. Thus, the Union is never without a contract. The sustainment of a previous contract is known as the “evergreen clause.” Click here for the latest US-UNM Contract Agreement.

I believe my boss has violated the US-UNM Agreement and UNM Policies and Procedures. What can I do?
Contact the Union right away at untiedstaffunm@gmail.com and tell us your story. Any violation of the Agreement is subject to the grievance and arbitration proceedings found under Article 21 Grievance and Article 22 Arbitration of the Agreement. Please note you only have twelve working days from the date of when you knew or should have known of the violation to file a timely grievance. So, immediately contacting the Union is important to making sure you can file a timely grievance.

I sent an email to the US-UNM Union, when will they respond?
Per the US-UNM Agreement, the Union has up to 3 working days to respond to an inquiry.

If I am a member of the bargaining unit, does that make me a union member? 
No. A bargaining unit in labor relations is a group of employees with a clear and identifiable community of interests who are (under U.S. law) represented by a single labor union in collective bargaining and other dealings with management. A union member is an employee who affirmatively elects to join a union, pay dues, and participate in the decisions of the Union.

How can I become a union member?

Just simply go to the Membership page on this website and download our membership form, fill it out and sign it.
Membership Form
  1. You can email us at unitedstaffunm@gmail.com, and send us the completed form.
  2. You can mail in the membership form:
    United Staff UNM, Local 6155
    P.O. Box 67818
    Albuquerque, NM 87193
    Welcome to the Union!

My boss wants me to sign a document and I do NOT agree with it. Do I have to sign it?

Per the US-UNM Agreement under Article 20, you can sign and date the document and write the words “Received Only.” This means your signature does not imply agreement with the document, but rather receipt only.
Per the US-UNM Agreement, you are also afforded 5 working days to supply a written rebuttal to any document that you sign. Management must attach your rebuttal to the original document.

Are labor unions relevant? What have they actually accomplished for workers?

Absolutely, labor unions are relevant. Here is just a small list of rights that have been produced, in large part, by Labor Unions. See if you have experienced any of these worker’s rights.
  • The eight-hour workday, the 40 hour work week and weekend
    As early as 1866, Labor unions first began lobbying for an eight-hour workday and achieved this with the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938. This law also provided minimum wage standards, overtime compensation, and the prohibition of utilizing child labor in the workplace.
  • Workplace Safety Laws and Standards
    In 1970, the Occupational Health and Safety Act was passed and signed by President Nixon. The Act’s passage happened, in part, by the labor unions successful lobbying of Congress and the White House for this legislation.
  • Civil Rights Act/Title VII (1964)
    This landmark legislation prohibited discrimination by employers or unions on the basis of race, national origin, color, religion or gender. Again, several labor unions were instrumental in lobbying Congress and the White House for passage of this law. Moreover, labor unions have made sure this law has been followed in the workplace by filing grievances when violated and pursuing litigation when necessary.
  • Unemployment Insurance and Social Security
    Workers have been able to have a safety net when they fall upon difficult times such as unemployment, injury, or old age. Unemployment Insurance and Social Security have been two benefits that labor unions initially fought to have passed. Unions continue to fight and support unemployment and social security benefits for all workers.

Employment Resources
There are numerous UNM, state and federal resources that can inform and assist you with your employment circumstances. Below is a list of general employment referrals.

Counseling, Assistance and Referral Services, (CARS) 
CARS promotes a healthy work-life balance by providing on-site services to assist UNM faculty and staff members with professional and personal concerns.
Click for CARS Website

Department of Labor, (DOL) Wage Hour Division 
The Wage and Hour Division (WHD) enforces federal minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The DOL also enforces the FMLA which is designed to help employees balance their work and family responsibilities by allowing them to take reasonable unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons.
Click for DOL Website

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, (EEOC)
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.
Click for EEOC Website

Occupational Health and Safety Administration, (OSHA)
With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.
OSHA Website:
Click for OSHA Website

New Mexico Human Rights Division
The Human Rights Act was enacted in 1969 to ensure that all New Mexicans are protected from discrimination in employment, housing, credit and public accommodation. The Human Rights Bureau is responsible for enforcing the Human Rights Act under the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions.
Click for NM Human Rights Website

New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions
The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions strives to be a leader in improving employment and poverty rates through workforce development, enhanced services for employers, and ensuring fair labor practices and workforce protections for New Mexicans. This department administers the state unemployment benefits.
Click for NM Workforce Solution Website

 Resources image
Doris Williams

Erika Cavalier
Vice President of OMI Division

Mary Dewey

If you have an employment issue or concern at work, then please feel free to contact US-UNM at unitedstaffunm@gmail.com. We will contact you in the evenings after work, so please leave an evening phone number. Kindly allow up to three working days for a reply.

US-UNM Board image
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States